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Exceptional Teams

Build an Exceptional Team with Great Communication (GreatComms)


Great communication is the foundation stone of any exceptional team. This course builds skills in the five elements of great communication: Commitment-Based Management, Active Listening, Feedback, Resolving Conflict, and Recognition. 

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • The Principles of Great Communication
  • Does Your Team Apply the Elements of Great Communication?
  • The Benefits of Great Communication
  • Great Communication Course Map
  • Reflect, Record, Remember, Retain
  • Chapter 2: Commitment Based Management
  • Commitment Based Management
  • Make Commitments and Keep Your Promises
  • The Predictable Outcome of Incomplete Requests
  • Colin Introduces the Benefits of CBM
  • CBM: The Basic Action Workflow
  • Stage 1: Preparation
  • 1.1 Describing the Task
  • 1.2 Task or Project Purpose
  • 1.3 Background of Obviousness
  • 1.4 Conditions for Satisfaction
  • Date and Time
  • Stage 2: Negotiate
  • Stage 3: Perform 
  • Stage 4: Accept
  • Practicing the Basic Action Workflow
  • Making a CBM Request: Knowledge Check 
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever